
Wednesday, March 11, 2015


A sawhorse in the past or a sea horse in the present. It’s rehearsal if you practice a play in advance, not another trip in a hearse, unless of course the play struggles. Hirsute, on the other hand, doesn’t refer to her outfit, it’s not her suit, or her strong suit, but she sure might wear the hair-shirt. All the boxers I don’t know—all the other breeds I don’t know—I can’t be debriefed on boxers. I can’t write a pugilist—I can’t write a to-do list—I can’t write an evangelist. Even Jell-O could sate an evangelical, or maybe the effect would be intangible: is there a tangelo, aye, in the punch? I can, you can, he she it cans, we canned, you canned, they canned heat, answers, tomatoes. Ghengis Khan Job, Ghengis Cannes Job, Ghengis Cannes Edison, Ghengis Khan Carne. The biblical hard luck case Jōb, okay? Okay. Biblical Jōb Description, Biblical Jōblessness, Biblical Hand Jōb, Biblical Book of Blow Jōb, the Biblical Book of Jōb Search. A hearse is a hearse of course of course unless it’s Mr. Dead.


  1. Of course, yes, I believe I concur. Chaka Khangress, too. Her very own legislative body.

    Little known fact: the marauder recorded an album on Impulse! entitled Ghengis Ghengis Ghengis Ghengis Ghengis.

