
Tuesday, November 1, 2016


Homely streets terminate at the windowpanes of phantom addresses. A bit of salt in the clouds. What percentage the blood from metals?

A scream, a siren, the two together before the scream alone. Purpose crossing purpose as when the purpose of haste crosses the purpose of defenselessness in the witch light of early condemnations. The confetti of isolations.

The single color where upper and lower distance cannot continue as distance. There were three stars in the evening sky. “Let us kiss three times—and all will be forgiven.”

Proximity might be painful but echo requires a neighborhood, an everyday bird climbing through mistranslation. A stripe of sky campaigns between a block of cold rooftops and the westerly hull of a warm cloud. Interior man, limited man, static.

A helicopter rattles in the rustiness of its own levity, bucking above a plain grid. The taxicab driver remembered a boxer, Ike, he could dance and he could sting, the meter nickling a fare.

this post is part of a double issue. also see SONNET (FOR POKÉMON GO)


  1. This one is a bit more darkly romantic than your usual posts. Quite nicely done though!

  2. I can see what you mean. Mostly, I've been messing around in the sonnet form -- in sound units and fourteen units of various kinds and types. Perhaps I'm otherwise hankering for some bad weather and some malevolence?

