
Tuesday, April 7, 2015


Je m’appele Franc, oui, I am frank w/ you
b/c mes amis my colleague have two friend
Franc from France & Franc from Switzerland
but I am pas Swissy NON! I am Frenchy kiss
all your girlfriend if you make fucky fuck w/
identify mistake—you want to, ehh, regardez
French Frankenstein, mon dieu, I will angry
comme une bête noire big buggabaloo-bear
who loiter in curtain or trapdoor prefecture
I am incense at fucky fuck I am franc-incense!
Vous êtes dildo battery after choppy-chop
all your francophoney baloney, messieurs
et madames I make further accomplishment
than you, ehh, I will be French Franc-further!


  1. Man, when did you go all internationale and shit like that? You used to be all "I'll make my stand in Silver Spring" and all that, and now, you're getting on a plane overseas.

  2. Silver Spring / Silver Spring / Silver Spring is on fire. All the stouts -- and tater tots -- gone. The tots, are gone. Time to move along, little dawgie (me). Somewhere there is a land flowing with stout and tots ... or one would hope. And so I go. ----BA
