If you can’t pay in dollars, then you might as well pay in
They’ll take just about any currency down at the Five &
So, a guy walks into a bar along with a huge growling
grizzly, and the maître d hollers, “Oh my god! Table for two?”, and the guy
replies: “Thanks. I know this grizzly situation may be difficult—bear with me!”
Meanwhile, the insect had been dead for such a long time,
rigor mantis had set-in, but more than that, it’d gotten fashionable to be a dead
insect, it was de rigueur mantis.
I like to sit in the portion of the aircraft where ordinary
passengers receive self-help lectures, you know, motivational coach.
A fellow once sat next to me in motivational coach, a famous
baseball slugger traveling to attend a Jewish girl’s coming of age ceremony.
He would be, in fact, Casey at the Bat Mitzvah.
How to explain, but the animated character suffered a ritual
humiliation at the hands of an angry mob, in the new moving picture, Avatar and Feather.
The village crier scrambled into the town square in a state
of alarm: “The Scot is dead”, he shouted, “the Scot is dead.”
“Oh no!” someone called back, “how’d he die?
“He was kilt!”
In an unrelated development, an Irish pop-rock band had to
fill out so much American employment paperwork, they changed their name to W2.
“No more leads”, lamented the police detectives, as they
chowed-down some lunch at a Mexican restaurant.
“Yep”, they lamented, “it’s a real cold case-a-dilla.”