poems and stories have appeared online in these publications:
- 8 poems
- Beltway
- Bennington Review
- Best American Poetry Blog Pick of the Week
- Boog City
- Cafe Irreal
- DC Poetry Anthology
- Del Sol Review / DSR Anthology
- Delirious Hem
- Diagram
- Good Men Project Magazine
- Map Literary
- Monkeybicycle
- Open Letters Monthly
- Pank
- Passages North
- Perihelion
- Permafrost Magazine
- Ploughshares
- Poets & Writers
- The Scores
- Shenandoah
- Split Lip Magazine
- StorySouth (2013)
- StorySouth (2020)
- Sundog Lit Blog
- Ucity Review
- Verse Daily
- Voicemail Poems

Other poems, stories, and plays have appeared in 580 split, The Alembic, Altered Scale, American Letters & Commentary, American Scholar, and/or, Arts & Letters, Barrelhouse, Barrow Street, Bateau, Bellevue Literary Review, Best American Poetry, Cabin Fever, Coe Review, Colorado Review, The Cossack Review, Court Green, The Cream City Review, Denver Quarterly, Dislocate, Eleven Eleven, Fiction, Full Moon on K Street, Gargoyle, The Greensboro Review, Hawai’i Pacific Review, Interim, The Iowa Review, J Journal, The Journal, Knock, Lilies and Cannonballs Review, The Literary Review, Mad Had Lit, Midwest Quarterly, Moment, Morpheme, New Delta Review, New Orleans Review, Newport Life Magazine, Nightblock, Ninth Letter, Other Voices, Pacific Review, The Penguin Book of the Sonnet, Perihelion, Phoebe, The Pinch, Ping Pong, The Pink Line Project, Ploughshares, Poet Lore, Prairie Schooner, Prose-Poem Project, Quarter After Eight, Redivider, Rhino, River City, Sakura Review, Saranac Review, Seneca Review, South Loop Review, Spork, StoryQuarterly, The Tangent, Third Coast, TriQuarterly, Upstairs at Duroc (France), Verse, Washington Review, Washington Square, West Wind Review, Zoland Poetry, and Zone 3.
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