The difference between "lion" and "loin" can be a lousy diph-thong, an underwear-thin vowel sequence. Too, the lion covers itself with a cheesecloth whereas the loin stalks us au naturel. When the loin is not tender, the loin is always tender, the loin is not legal. You cannot pay your rent with loin, you cannot post an envelope, you cannot purchase the dealie. Someone else, however, will purchase the dualie, someone else always purchases the dualie, which can be the dealie, as well, only not with loin, he will not purchase the dualie with loin. 'Fused? Then prefer the porkchop, the establishment does not serve the porkchop, nobody can remember the porkchop, prefer the porkchop. Would you quit forking around? You know how much I hate it, when you fork around. We can spoon, we cannot knife, we cannot attempt all the cutlery positions, we can bowl. Tell me something that's not so "Obvi" -- and by that, I mean not so "kicked in the knickers". I used to consult the Ethnic Market, the Ethnic Market had those funky roots, the Ethnic Market lost some composure, thereby developing needs of the Ethic Market, which tumbled again, today, on reports of selfish, shellfish, two times a lady. A man named Marmalade will never become president-elect, he could be secretary of buttery spreads, ("Obvi!"), in that, he could preside over the nation's manses, menses, minces, and muensters. Lettuce mints whirreds for the grater good, i.e., Implement.
Make Marmaduke the First Pet, though-- you know he be eatin' that porkchop...
But what we should really be seeing to solve is: who snuck the wine in the gravy? Not that I have a pro'lem with it--
Spo Dee O Dee spiked the meat with Sneaky Pete. Spo Dee O Dee is the man and I will tell. Spo Dee O Dee cooked the meat in muscatel. --------------------------------BA
I need a low-rate housing lion so I can buy my first house.
An adjustable rate loin is desirable for housing purchases, dualie, and doily. ------------------------------------------BA
This blog is as crazy as a loin.
"Lien on Me" is our new motto. ------------------------------------------------------------BA
But it's a blog that's educational too. I'm really loining a lot from these posts.
I was loined at an early age in the ways of the whirred. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------BA
Well, I've just gone for a run and am going to take a short nap. But I'll lion the ideas you're talking about here for a bit and maybe have some new thoughts for you.
Don't attempt to lion eyes me, the bottom line is, Americans have dumbed down their attempts to per loin the facts. In response, I am engaging in NY Strip Steak pleasures. Some would say "with a nice brie" but I won't say that. Pffft. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------BA
Sure, but I'm still broke. Can you loin me a twenty?
Spo Dee O Dee put the lion in the groovy, I now know that. If you're asking for twenty bucks, first you need twenty of does. Doze dere, doze deer, does dear. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ba
Twenty bucks at the Ethics Market buys a funky composure of the knickers.
I does dearly want a lien on some funky composure and some duelie selfish lady.
Spo Dee O Dee also put the meat in Sweet Lucy--
I'm girding up my loans.
Confucius say:
Man who like eat meat, he Loin Ranger.
20 bucks in any market buys you a kick in the knickers; that, or a neat fungus. -----------------BA
Spo Dee O Dee has cooked the meat in Sweet Lucy. It made him feel real Joosay.
Loining Hood, on the other hand, takes loin from the rich and gives loin to the poor.
It's like I told you, only the loinly can play --
You got to watch your figuring these days -- eating extra loin ground beef when one manwiches, for example. ----------------------------------------------------------------ba
Tee hee. Mira
When Craft eats a fried porkchop, it's because he's trying to have a cultural experience.
= Good Quiz
When Edge eats a fried porkchop, it's because he's hungry--
= Stout
A = Always
B = Prefer
C = porkChop
Always prefer the porkchop.
Such enemated personality, here--
A Judeo-Christian believe to Love Thine Enema, no? ---------------------------------------BA
I go away, I come back, and this blog is still silly. Its funny tho. Thank yo. Gina
No, thank YO. -----------------------------------------BA
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