Thursday, September 4, 2014


like a world without oppositional wattage like a world without the florescence of rage like a world without the geometry of dangerous hours like a world without the confetti of isolations like a world without a single amplified misapprehension like a world without dark maps of suspiration like a world without fear pinning like a world without purpose crossing purpose as when the purpose of haste crosses the purpose of defenselessness in the witch light of early condemnations like a world without the mask of the voice fracturing like a world without cycles unmodified in obstruction like a world without you perhaps and perhaps without me a world without hate like a world without / the inevitable.



hthr said...

Confetti of isolations. Yes. Don't get me started. Or do.

hthr said...

Without you perhaps perhaps without me this is a rescue fantasy.


If I have the option to get you started, Hthr Fllr, (or not), I choose to get you started. It's possible that, by now, you've been started, and so you may be way ahead of me, which is likely in any event. As for the confetti of isolations -- it's funny how there's a lot of confetti and a lot of isolations. Someone should look into this. After they're done, yeah, a rescue would be in order, I agree. Lo, I bow my head.

-------- x o ------------------------------------------BA

hthr said...

I am started grtstn. And awash in confetti. Here is the deal. I am looking into it, albeit w/ a Southern accent. I b' lieve it's very complicated. I can tell u abt it.


I think they should start weighing people in stout, not in stone. So, instead of saying "he weighs eight stone" they'd say "he weighs eight stout." But then you have a stout made by Stone and all sorts of hilarity must ensue.

That said, we pour two stout, and u tell me about it, in a Southern accent.


hthr said...
