In some corners of the world, Sorrel Soup is the Soup of Choice, and can be known as Sh'chav, and in other corners of the world, the Shah of Iran is the Shah of Choice, and can be an authority on Sorrel Soup, in which case, he is often referred to as the Sh'chav of Iran. Some folks fashion garments from greenery, Sorrel Suits, and other folks fancy clothing that expresses their remorse, Sorry Suits, and still others, yet, favor technology, downloadable Ironies known as Sarcasts. Irony as in solid-like, by the way, as in Pressed-through-Steamburst, or Hamlet-upon-Riverway. Not to be confused with one's Cronies, so-called because they Crow in Tongues and Proximities, Needs and Knees. Crow Knees. Chews One or Choose Many can be the difference between Mastication and Mass Migration. The way Simulacra can be Sancta but Sanka will Sink Ya. Read all about it or Rehab your Doubt, the two represent Equal Opportunity if not Cheeks and Balances. While Plato's sophomoric history, Sophist, may have predicted Sweet 'n' Sour Tarts 'n' Turks, it was Nietzsche's The Twilight of the Idols that foresaw Modern Nipple Violations. Or, if you will, and you won't, a Go Go Girl with a Swelled Head might be termed an Ego Girl, you Go Girl, four saw and twenty scores ego. I mean, that's Conceit, even if it's not Concession, that's Receipt, even if it's not Recession, it's a pour worse than Session, it sure ain't Renaissance. Dear Noodle Ring, Dear Pringlebrain, Dear Executives Masquerading as Sympathy Mannequins, Sequence & Sequins as Fiscal Policy. Imagine a Doll, a Doll is Simulacrum for Not Breathing, a Dull is Luxury, whereas a Doll is Us and a Dull is You, Dear Pringlebrain. Adultrated our Dollars, you have, in Breathing and in Breathless. From Stones and Weeds Shall Soup Be Made.